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Please Enjoy These Free Downloads From Dreadlocks and the Three Bears

  • Dreadlocks Paper Doll and Clothing Patterns

    Print on brown card stock color Dreadlocks cinnamon brown

  • by Alile Sharon Larkin The award-winning children’s video Dreadlocks and the Three Bears is now a picture book. Meet world traveler, Dreadlocks, a cinnamon-brown girl with lots and lots of African curls who makes the best cheese-grits in the Teddy Bear Forest. This version of the three bears story has cheese grits instead of porridge and Dreadlocks does not run away. She apologizes to the bears and cleans up her mess.

    Dreadlocks Coloring Pages

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  • Tie Dye a Celebration of Music Album

    Enjoy this musical collection of Folk, Rock, Lullabies and more! It's Ancient and it's New!